Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Anatomy of a resolution.

It’s well known that New Year’s resolutions don’t have a high success rate. While many people opt to ditch the annual goal-setting event, about 40 to 45 percent of adults set at least one resolution come New Year’s.

Unfortunately for many, the results turn into a pattern: January 1, we start off determined to follow through on our goals. Excited and energized, we think that this year will be different from the last, when our resolutions went by the wayside. But come February or even mid-January, the majority of us have abandoned our goals altogether.

   So why do we continue to make resolutions every year even though so few of us follow through?
One reason is the allure of starting from scratch. “The beginning of the year offers a fresh start and a clean slate,” according to Nona Jordan, the idea of bettering ourselves is another motivator. 

Most of us have a natural bent toward self-improvement. And even though the New Year is an illogical date, it “gives us time and a goal date to prepare for the change, to fire up for the shifts we plan to make.”

Moreover, it may have something to do with “Tradition! Tradition! Tradition,” as the characters in the musical Fiddler On The Roof famously sing. Setting New Year’s resolutions is believed to go as far back as Babylonian times. It’s said that Julius Caesar started the tradition of making resolutions on January 1st as a way to honor the Roman mythical god Janus, whose two faces allowed him to look back into the past year and forward to the new year. Romans mostly made morality-based resolutions, such as seeking forgiveness from their enemies.

    Wanting to make resolutions is a good thing. “The fact that people keep making resolutions even when they don’t always follow through ultimately means that they have hope and a certain level of belief in their ability to change and be more of who they really want to be,”
Some research confirms that setting a resolution can get you closer to your goals. One study found that 46 percent of individuals who made resolutions were successful compared to four percent who wanted to achieve a certain goal and considered it but didn’t actually create a resolution.

If you’d like to give resolution-making another go, Wait for our next article on setting successful resolutions or attend with us our career coaching program.

Dec, 2011


Friday, December 30, 2011

Concentrate On Studying

   Studying can be a tedious task for most students, especially if the student has little to no interest in the material at hand. This automatically lowers concentration levels and induces a feeling of helplessness in the individual. 

The problem, however, is not as serious as it may sound and I believe a few simple steps can go a long way in helping one foster good relations with their textbooks and develop effective concentration spans.

1. Active Participation: The most important step is to try and become an active reader, by having an inquisitive approach to the study material. This can best be achieved by imagining yourself engaged in a deep conversation with the author. Stop regularly and ask questions. You may even write your questions down and later discuss them with your peers. 

Remember, this is the key to not only increasing your concentration span, but also understanding the material in the most effective manner. It will require a little practice at first because it takes time to get comfortable with the idea of having a conversation with the author. However, with a little bit of persistent effort, you will soon be able to effectively concentrate on the most uninspiring and monotonous texts. 

2. Avoid Unnecessary Distractions: One of the most common reasons for reduced or irregular concentration periods is the presence of excessive and totally avoidable elements of interference. Hence, the best place to study is the library. Even though some students find the environment extremely dull, a few regular visits can help increase the comfort level. 
If, however, you must study in your room, you should make sure that there are no computers, television sets or friends around to disengage you. Incase you have to study on the computer, try opening all your work in one go and then disconnect from the Internet. For online study sessions, it is advised to work in the library setting. 

3. Organize Yourself: This entails that you make an effective study plan and try to follow it as closely as you can. Review your daily activities and set aside a certain portion of the day, say 1-2 hours, for uninterrupted studying sessions. Moreover, make your surroundings as comfortable as possible. Ensure proper lighting and ventilation is present and you are seated in a comfortable place. Having a neat and tidy room also helps to a great extent. 

4. Motivate Yourself: Set up an incentive system for yourself, whereby you can set targets and reward yourself upon their completion. For instance, you may set yourself a goal to study 1 hour, which can then be followed by 15 minutes of gaming on the Play Station or maybe a healthy snack. 

5. Stay Healthy: Lastly, make sure that you get ample amount of rest each night, with an average of 8-9 hours of sleep. Moreover, look after your diet and eat well because it will help you stay fit. Also, spare time for fitness activities such as sports, as it will eventually help you concentrate on things in a better fashion. 

Concentrating on studying is by no means an impossible task and all it takes is a little bit of determination. Anyone who is committed to following the aforementioned steps is bound to realize a marked difference in their performance within little time.


Written by:  Vincent Adams
Edited by: WAMDA Team
Y.H - Dec. 2011

Thursday, December 29, 2011

The UnStoppable Supply Chain Architects....WAMDA Choice


 As we all know , we have zillion of websites that talking about everything. And we have no time read them all .. So WAMDA thought about a Digital update that contains only the top thoughts in the fields WAMDA Professional at. 

With 2012 right around the corner, supply chain managers are reviewing next year’s plans, fine-tuning strategies, making budgets and thinking about possible technology investments. To complete this laundry list before the New Year begins, it is important to have a forecast of what’s to come.
Below are Mark Woodward’s, CEO of E2open, list of the top five supply chain trends of 2012 to help supply chain managers prepare for what’s to come in the New Year.

1. Exceptions are the new normal – 
  • Factors beyond our control influence the supply chain- the economy, natural disasters, defective parts. 
  • Complete visibility into your supplier, and your supplier’s supplier, is required to respond and resolve issues as exceptions arise.   
  • As  competition continues to raise the bar, this capability is not just an operational essential for brand owners, it’s a strategic fundamental. 
2. Shift from “planning on History” to “execution is key” 
  • The natural disasters that took place in 2011 taught us that no matter how much planning you do, execution is what pays the bills.
  • In 2012, supply chain managers will focus more on strategies to ensure products are being delivered using real-time information, not yesterday’s plan. 
  • Collaborative execution is key to this approach
3. Rapid resolutions driven from trading network partners 
  • Excel spreadsheets don’t serve any more for fast global supply chain networks.
  • More companies will begin investing in technology that can help businesses communicate changes with their suppliers and partners for fast responses to changes in forecasts, orders, inventory and other key data points.
4. Monitoring of trading networks
  • It’s about the continuous monitoring of trading networks. 
  • Don’t assume existing algorithms will automatically produce the right answer, if anything we have found that it’s about the people and knowledge in the networks to harness creativity and respond to unforeseen situations.
5. Connection of digital and physical supply chains  
  • Digital and Physical Supply Chains will continue to connect more this year. 
  • Integrating the digital and physical supply chains will deliver faster, more efficient execution of products and services. 
  • Companies that wants to Survive need a plan that considers both components.

                                                                                             Edit & Summarized by WAMDA Team
                                                                       W.M. Dec-2011

thanks to the orignal article from Kevin Scarpati

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The UnStoppable People

Have you ever asked Why Some People seems UnStoppable ? 

Those people are running like magic, just moving from success to other, can touch the sky.
Those people speak their thoughts and after a while you see their words turns to be true and a living project. Money to them is not an issue and even when they start from zero base they easily turn themselves to people who are financially independent.

Let's See What is different in those people 

Step 1 : Have your own Goal 

All successful people have SMARTER GOALS...

Whether we like it or not, goal setting is the most important step of all our lives. 

  For Successful people, this is a regular process, they tend to do yearly , monthly, daily..
Do not be surprised !!!! You are actually setting goals on a daily basis. If you look on your normal day-2-day, you will realize that you are actually setting and achieving an immeasurable amount of goals as you progress throughout your day. Some are relatively small or insignificant such as where you will get your lunch from or will you drink Coke or PEPSI, while others are more important and relevant to your future like calling and old friend or visiting someone to congratulate for a happy event.

WD-C have been developing and “Mixing” many systematic processes for “Goal Setting” that allows for future clarity and where to focus. Great people like Zig Zigler, Brian Tracy, Napoleon Hill , talked about goal settings and the beauty coming out the natural resources of motivation hidden deep within you.
This post will look into into some detail about the benefits of goal setting and how it can literally transform your life overnight….( Based on IQMatrix )

 Goal setting encourages Your growth from inside in the following areas :

Personal Growth

The moment you begin setting goals, you will immediately feel a shift and transformation within your mind. You may find that for the first time you are thinking about your life in a renewed and invigorating manner. You are seeing your future with greater clarity than ever before, and the emotional rush of energy that is now circulating through your arteries is forcing you to think in new, unique and creative ways that will move and propel you forward. You may also come to a realization of the essential skills that you must now learn and master in order to achieve these goals. This will further encourage you to pursue new avenues of self-education and personal growth.


Setting goals brings with it a set of responsibilities. When we have no concrete goals, life just seems to pass on by without a second thought. During these phases of our lives we may be feeling somewhat free, yet empty at the same time. Once you start setting clear, defined and passionate goals, you will likewise come to acknowledge that you – and you alone – are now fully responsible for your life. Responsibility brings with it a greater clarity of thought, it encourages better decision making and forces one to take smarter actions in directions that will bring long-term happiness and fulfillment.

Achievement Orientation

Whether large or small – without goals we tend to become lazy and scattered in thought and action. What goals do, is they focus you on a specific aspect or area of your life. This focus directs your mind towards the achievement and attainment of this goal in the most efficient and effective manner possible. As a result, all of your choices, decisions, behaviors, habits, and actions are now directed and focused upon this one objective. And because of this Achievement Oriented Attitude, you now have a renewed energy and vigor that will build momentum and pick up speed over time.

Better Decision Making

Without focus or direction we become very scattered in our thinking and hesitant when making everyday actions and decisions. However, once you set and clarify your goals – following this Smart Goal Setting process – you will find that your decision making almost immediately improves and helps you to further clarify what you want and what is most important in your life.

Prioritization of Activities

Setting goals and making effective decisions requires the process of prioritization. Goal setting naturally enhances your ability to prioritize your activities and tasks in ways that focus you on areas that are most important to your long-term objectives. Prioritization is closely tied into the process of Effective Time Management.

Control of the Changes in Your Life

Without our own personal goals, we are naturally swayed by other people’s decisions, actions, opinions and behaviors; and by the circumstances of the environment within which we live, play and work. Even though it is impossible to control everything that affects our life, we can however gain some form of sanity by directing aspects of our life in ways that will bring a sense of purpose and intention. Instead of being flung around by other people’s ever changing decisions, behaviors and perspectives, you will now have control and will make your own decisions based on the goals that will have the greatest personal and professional impact on your life.

Development of Skills and Talents

Goals provide us with great clarity and insight in a number of very interesting ways. One of the insights that you are likely to gain – once you begin setting goals – is the need to develop your skills and talents in specific areas of your life. Setting goals has an interesting way of unveiling neglected areas of our lives that need to be attended to and expanded upon. It is only through the process of goal setting that you will come to an understanding of the skills and talents you must work on developing in order to one day experience the exhilaration and satisfaction of experiencing the achievement your goals in the moment.

Sense of Purpose and Direction

Goal setting will provide you with a sense of purpose, while directing your decisions and actions in ways that will help you to accomplish and obtain this purpose. If you’ve ever read a biography about an achievement oriented person, than you would’ve probably come to a realization of their deep and inspiring purpose that drove and propelled their behavior forward on a daily basis. Without it, they would be nothing, however with it, they probably accomplished what others would have deemed to be quite impossible and improbable.

So to Summarize all this :

Now this is our next assignment ... 

"2012 will start in couple of days. Have you set a goal to achieve by 2013 ? YOUR OWN GOAL. Not the one that was assigned by your company to you or because you need to finish your studies. A Goal that will move you forward to be a better human in the race of life and finally when you meet GOD. "...SHARE YOUR GOAL AND LET'S CHAT ABOUT IT.

                                                                                             WAMDA Team
                                                            W.M. 27 Dec-11

The UnStoppable WAMDA

 Together in this blog , Team WAMDA will share some of the pages of our program . As a fast " Tips to be UnStoppable person ".. WAMDA Created the Unstoppable Program as a full instructor led program to move you ahead in your life , in your career And even in your personal life . 

  Our Programs was Created to meet all your specific needs

  • WAMDA UnStoppable Fresh Graduate Program.
  • WAMDA UnStoppable Manager Program.
  • WAMDA UnStoppable Supply Chain Architect.
  • WAMDA UnStoppable Sales Man.
  • Career Coaching Program.
  • Personal Coaching Program.
  • Goal Setting Program.

And for Companies the consultation program to increase you Net out of sale and NPV studies ...doubling your Return of investment.

...................................................................and much more to come.

So Simply here we will share the most updated thoughts , tips, updates, articles, Links to readings...
We will try to keep it simple , crisp and to the point...Hope you enjoy it.

                                                                         Team WAMDA
                                                                             W.M. 11 Oct-2011


Basics Matter… “Why we lost the contract?”

After 20 years of working in Supply Chain, still my passion is in the area of Material and Supply Management… so to answer a question th...